57 europosłów, wśród nich Anna Fotyga, domaga się zwolnienia porwanej i bezprawnie sądzonej ukraińskiej pilotki Nadii Sawczenko. Europosłowie wystąpili także do Federiki Mogherini o objęcie sankcjami personalnymi osób odpowiedzialnych za porwanie, bezprawny proces, uwięzienie oraz fabrykację zarzutów przeciwko Nadii Sawczenko. Poniżej zamieszczamy treść wspomnianego listu. Na zdjęciu europosłowie w obronie Nadii Sawczenko.
Strasbourg, 8 March 2016
To: Ms Federica Mogherini
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and
Security Policy / Vice-President of the Commission
Dear High Representative,
As you are certainly aware, Nadiya Savchenko, 34-year-old, a Ukrainian citizen, military pilot and member of the Ukrainian Parliament, Verkhovna Rada, has been kept in detention in Russian prisons since mid-June 2014 when she was kidnapped in the east of Ukraine and illegally transferred to Russia. All attempts of the international community to free Nadiya Savchenko have so far not proven successful.
Based on fabricated charges the Russian court is going to make its final verdict in coming days. Nadiya Savchenko faces spending 23 years in prison as requested by the Russian prosecutor. On March 3, Nadiya Savchenko went on hunger strike, refusing from food and water.
Dear High Representative,
We, the members of the European Parliament, are convinced that the EU must with no further delay react to this repeatedly shameful and blatant breach of international law and the Minsk Agreements by the Russian Federation.
We hereby appeal to you to take all necessary steps in order to initiate at the EU level the imposition of personal sanctions against those officials of the Russian Federation who are involved in the kidnapping, unlawful detention, imprisonment and fabrication of charges against Nadiya Savchenko, a Ukrainian citizen.
We request to consider restricting entry of these persons, citizens of the Russian Federation, into the EU, blocking their access to bank accounts and seizing their property if that exist in the EU territory.
The below attached list of 29 persons, citizens of the Russian Federation, was created by the experts of the Open Dialog Foundation, a human rights NGO, upon the advice of Nadiya Savchenko’s Russian lawyers and representatives of the human rights community.
1. Persons responsible for the political decision to kidnap Nadiya Savchenko, transport her to the territory of Russia, detain her unlawfully and fabricate charges against her; persons responsible for legitimising the actions of Russia towards Nadiya Savchenko in the eyes of the international community.
1. Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, President of Russia
Russia – a country with a well-established authoritarian regime. All power in the country is concentrated in the hands of President Vladimir Putin. He is the one responsible for the political decision to detain Nadiya Savchenko despite the appeals of the international community.
2. Bortnikov Alexander Vasilyevich, Director of the Federal Security Service of Russia
Responsible for implementing political decisions in Savchenko’s case. On 29 January, 2015, the Federal Security Service commenced proceedings against Nadiya Savchenko under Article 322, “Unlawful border crossing”, although the evidence shows that Nadiya Savchenko was kidnapped by terrorists.
3. Bastrykin Alexander Viktorovich, Head of the Investigative Committee of Russia
Responsible for fabricating charges against Nadiya Savchenko.
4. Drymanov Alexander Aleksandrovich, Chief of the Investigative Committee department for crimes related to the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare.
On 9 February, 2015, he was put in charge of the Investigations Office of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Moscow. Responsible for the fabrication of a criminal case against Nadiya Savchenko. Drymanov filed a petition for the arrest of Nadiya Savchenko and signed the document appointing Dmitry Manshin as the investigating officer.
5. Pushkov Alexey Kostyantinovich, Head of the Russian delegation in PACE
He voiced the official position of Moscow: that immunity would not have any consequences for Savchenko, since she is currently in Russia, charged with grave crimes committed long before she was elected an MP of Ukraine and included in the Ukrainian delegation of PACE.
6. Plotnitsky Igor Venediktovich, Leader of the terrorist organisation LNR
He was the head of the so called Zarya battalion, whose members detained Nadiya Savchenko and transported her to Russia. Plotnitsky was the one cited by Savchenko as the mastermind behind her transfer to Russia.
2. Persons responsible for fabrication of evidence during the pre-trial investigation of Nadiya Savchenko’s case
7. Klopov Aleksandr Vasilyevich, Head of the Russian Federal Security Service in Voronezh Province, Major-General
He ordered A.I. Pochechuyev to transfer Savchenko to the Investigation Directorate of the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation (IC of the RF) of the Voronezh Province after she had been illegally transferred to the territory of Russia. He provided false information to the IC of the RF regarding the circumstances of N.V. Savchenko’s appearance on the territory of Russia.
8. Pochechuyev A. I. Senior officer for internal affairs agencies of the FSB Directorate of Russia for the Voronezh Province in the town of Rossosh
He produced a report on Savchenko’s “crossing” of the Ukrainian-Russian border. The report was drawn up on the basis of false information.
9. Troynina Oksana Aleksandrovna, Inspector of the juvenile police department of police office No.1 at the MIA Directorate of Russia for She took part in “detaining” Savchenko in the hotel in Voronezh; in particular, she conducted the search during which Russian currency was planted on the city of Voronezh, Police Captain of the RF Savchenko.
10. Medvedev Aleksandr Viktorovich, Deputy chief of the 2nd Department of the Investigation Directorate of the IC of the RF for Voronezh province, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice
He ordered that Savchenko be placed in one of the hotels in Voronezh following her illegal transfer to Russia. Savchenko was kept in the hotel against her will.
11. Shchukin Alexander Vyacheslavovich, Head of the Investigations Office of the Investigative Committee of Russia
On 16 May, 2015, he signed off a decision on merging into one criminal proceedings: the criminal case against N.V. Savchenko and the criminal case of “committal by security agencies of Ukraine of crimes on the territory of the self-proclaimed republics in eastern Ukraine”.
12. Manshin Dmitriy Sergeyevich, Investigating officer of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Major of Justice
Investigating officer of the Investigative Committee of Russia, working on Nadiya Savchenko’s case. He played a key role in the fabrication of the case against N.V. Savchenko at the initial stage of the investigation; he conducted the interrogations of N.V. Savchenko and witnesses in the case, he supported the public prosecution in court.
13. Bokunovich Dmitriy V. Senior investigator of the 2nd Investigation Department of the Directorate to Investigate Crimes Involving the Use of Prohibited Means and Methods of Warfare at the IC of the RF
Investigator of the IC of the RF on the case against N.V. Savchenko. He issued decisions on the refusal to suspend all investigations against Savchenko and the refusal to cease the criminal prosecution against her.
14. Grachev Timofey Vladimirovich, Senior investigator of the Investigation Department of the Directorate to Investigate Crimes Involving the Use of Prohibited Means and Methods of Warfare at the IC of the RF, Major of Justice
Investigator of the IC of the RF on the case against N.V. Savchenko. He has become famous for his participation in the investigation of the so-called ‘Bolotnaya case’ (a criminal case against members of an anti-government protest in Moscow on 6 May, 2012).
3. Persons responsible for presenting fabricated evidence against Nadiya Savchenko during the court proceedings; persons who took decisions on the legality of said evidence and the extension of Savchenko’s detainment period; other immediate executors of the unlawful decisions.
15. Lomanov Andrey Vyacheslavovich, Deputy prosecutor of Novousmansky District of Voronezh Province
He was the prosecutor at the trial of 2 July, 2014.
16. Dolgikh Sergey Viktorovich, Deputy Prosecutor of the Oryol Province (previously, he had served as Prosecutor of the Novousmansky district of Voronezh Province
He was the prosecutor at the trial of 2 July, 2014.
17. Kozlov S.A., Assistant Prosecutor of the Sovietskiy District of Voronezh
He was the prosecutor at the trial of 27 August, 2014.
18. Butyrin Yevgeniy I., Assistant Prosecutor of the Sovietskiy District of Voronezh
He was the prosecutor at the trial of 27 August, 2014.
19. Sidorov Vitalyi Leonidovich, Head of the Criminal and Judicial Department of the Prosecutor’s Office of Voronezh Province, senior adviser of Justice
He was the prosecutor at the trial of 15 September, 2014.
20. Karasev Oleg, Prosecutor of the city of Moscow
He was the prosecutor at the trial of 3 March, 2015; he petitioned that the court hearing be held behind closed doors.
21. Sorokin Dmitry Arkadiyevich, Judge of Novousmansky District Court of Voronezh Province
The judge at the first hearing (2 July, 2014) regarding the imposition of a preventive measure with regard to N.V. Savchenko. He ruled that Savchenko should be held in custody until 30 August, 2014.
22. Litovkina Tatyana Аleksandrovna, Judge of the Voronezh Regional Court
On 27 July, 2014, she presided at the hearing of the Appellate Court on the case N.V. Savchenko. She handed down a judgement rejecting the appeal of N.V. Savchenko’s counsels regarding her pre-trial incarceration until 30 August, 2014.
23. Saligov Маgomed Topayevich, Judge of Sovetsky District Court of Voronezh
On 27 August, 2014, he resolved to extend Nadiya Savchenko’s detention period till 10 October, 2014. He ruled that N.V. Savchenko should be subjected to psychological and psychiatric examination.
24. Kosenkov Nikolay Fedorovich, Judge of the Voronezh Regional Court
On 15 September, 2014, he presided at the hearing of the Appellate Court on the case N.V. Savchenko. He handed down a judgement rejecting the appeal of N.V. Savchenko’s counsels regarding her incarceration until 30 October, 2014.
25. Levashova Valentina Yevgeniyevna, Judge of the Basmanny District Court of Moscow
On 27 October, 2014, she extended N.V. Savchenko’s arrest until 13 February, 2015. On 4 March, 2015, she presided over the hearing during which N.V. Savchenko’s counsels appealed against the refusal of the investigators of the IC of the RF to release Savchenko in order so she could participate in the PACE session which took place in January 2015. The judge dismissed the counsels’ appeal.
26. Pasyunin Yuriy Anatoliyevich, Judge of the Moscow City Court
On 22 December, 2014, he presided over the hearing of the Appellate Court on the case of N.V. Savchenko. He handed down a judgement rejecting the appeal of N.V. Savchenko’s counsels regarding the extension of her pre-trial incarceration until 13 February, 2015.
27. Karpov Artur Gennadiyevich, Judge of Basmanny District Court in Moscow
On 10 February, 2015, he extended Nadiya Savchenko’s detention period till 13 May, 2015
28. Mokhov Andrey Valeriyevich, Judge of the Moscow City Court
On 25 February, 2015, he presided over the hearing of the Appellate Court on the case N.V. Savchenko. He handed down a judgement rejecting the appeal of N.V. Savchenko’s counsels regarding her pre-trial incarceration until 13 May, 2015.
Other responsible persons
29. Makarov Nikolay Alexandrovich, Director of Remand Prison No. 3 in Voronezh
He prohibited the bringing of books to Nadiya Savchenko under the pretext of „internal regulations”