Interwencja w sprawie postępującej okupacji gruzińskich terytoriów

Anna Fotyga interweniowała u Federiki Mogherini w kwestii postępującej borderyzacji, tj. stopniowej okupacji przez Rosję kolejnych gruzińskich terytoriów.  Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z interpelacją skierowaną w dniu wczorajszej w tej sprawie:

Recently, Russian border guards have installed new border infrastructure 500 meters into Georgian territory, occupied the farming lands of Georgian villages, preventing harvests of  cultivated lands. Russian border guards detain and abduct any Georgian citizen crossing the de-facto dividing lines. In addition to violation of norms and standards of international law, such behavior constitutes a serious breach of all kinds of human morality.

82 year old, Dato Vanishvili has throughout his entire live been a Georgian citizen, living on Georgian territory, but now in his late age he has become a prisoner in his own backyard which was recently surrounded by barbed wire fences to divide him from his homeland. He is faced with an impossible choice to make, he either has to abandon his home or his country. He is cut of from his neighbors and isolated from the rest of the village. Incidents like these occur on permanent basis since Russian border actitivities do not halt. The abandoned villages are burned to ashes and replaced with new Russian military infrastructure.

How will the EU hold Russia accountable for its deliberate destablizing actions in Georgia?

9 years after the 2008 war, is Russia still seen as a credible partner?

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