Oświadczenie w sprawie ataku w Syrii

Oświadczenie Anny Fotygi, przewodniczącej podkomisji bezpieczeństwa i obrony PE w sprawie ataku z użyciem broni chemicznej w Syrii
I strongly condemn the chemical attack against innocent people of Syria, which left more than 70 people dead and hundreds hospitalised in Idlib province yesterday, including women and children. It is clear that the Assad regime once again has crossed the red line and these actions constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity. The international community cannot once more show its weakness, and remain inactive in the face of such atrocities. We all know the names of those who are politically responsible for this barbaric attack. International investigation of this heinous war crime is needed and all responsible for massive killing of people of Syria should be brought to justice, regardless of the position they held.
Anna Fotyga, chair of SEDE

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